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SKU: BLI5725
Regular price $372.99
Regular price Sale $412.99 Sale price $372.99

Industry-Leading Features:\n Product Information:\n \nNEW Paragon3 Sound & Operation System FEATURING ROLLING THUNDERTM with Authentic Sounds and Prototypical Operation in both DC and DCC environments\nIntegral DCC Decoder with Back EMF for Industry Best Slow Speed Operation in DC and DCC\nPrecision Drive Mechanism engineered for continuous heavy load towing and smooth slow speed operation\nPremium Caliber Painting with Authentic Paint Schemes\nPrototypical Light Operation with Golden White LED Headlight\n \nDie Cast Body with Die Cast chassis for Maximum Tractive Effort\nTraction Tires for Additional Tractive Effort\n(2) Operating MicroTrains #1015 or Compatible Couplers\nSeparately Applied Handrails, Ladders, Whistle, and Brass Bell\nWill Operate on Code 55, 70, and 80 Rail\nRecommended Minimum Radius: 9.75 inches\n \n\nIndustry-Leading SOUND Features:\n\nOperates in DC & DCC (use DCMaster for DC Sound)\nRecord & Play Operation - Records and plays back sounds and movements once or repeatedly for automatic operation\n16-bit Sample Rate for exceptional high frequency sound clarity\nPlayback Whistle for multiple whistle lengths and patterns\nChoice of 3 selectable Whistles\nAlternate Whistle / Horn where applicable for locomotive with air horn and steam whistle - both the main whistle and alternate can be easily played\nAdjustable bell ringing interval for faster or slower bell\nNumerous user-mappable functions with available keys\nJohnson Bar or Power Reverse Sound at Direction Change\nPassenger Station Ambient Sounds - Controlled with Function Key\nFreight Yard related radio chatter - Controlled with Function Key\nLumber Yard Ambient Sounds - Controlled with Function Key\nFarm related radio chatter - Controlled with Function Key\nCrew Radio Communications - Controlled with Function Key\nMaintenance Yard related radio chatter - Controlled with Function Key\nDemo Mode for display and demonstrations\nGrade Crossing Signal - Controlled with Function Key\nSimple Programming with Integral DCC Decoder\nAutomatic Forward / Reverse Signal - When activated, stopping triggers and stop whistle toot. When moving forward from a stopped position, toots twice. When moving in reverse, toots three times.\nChuff sound intensity varies with load\nIndividually adjustable sound volumes for most effects