Vallejo Air War - Soviet/Russian colors Tactical Schemes 1978-1989 (Part II)

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SKU: VLJ71608
Regular price $28.82
Regular price Sale $28.95 Sale price $28.82

Set with Model Air colors developed to paint the different models of the Sukhoi Su-7 'Fitter ½ and the improved Su-17 of the Soviet Air Force during the 'Cold War ½. The set includes profiles of the aircraft, indications of the colors needed and a detailed description of their application.

8 x 17 ml./0.57 fl.oz. Model Air

71.032 Golden Brown
71.038 Camouflage Medium Brown
71.046 Pale Blue Grey
71.244 Sand Beige
71.246 Yellow Brown
71.332 Underside Blue 'Faded ½
71.341 Green Grey
71.347 Russian AF Dark Green