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SKU: CIR5605
Regular price $47.20

The CIRCUITRON TC-1 will provide automatic activation of any twin-coil type switch machine when used in conjunction with a CIRCUITRON Detection circuit (the DT-4 is the usual choice). The TC-1 has two input control terminals and is to be used to ?force? a turnout to a specific direction. One common application of the TC1 is to provide a non-derailing function on a trailing point turnout. 2 Opto-Sensors from a DT-4 are used by placing one on each leg of a turnout a short distance ahead of the frog. A train approaching from either leg will pass over the respective Opto-Sensor, activate the DT-4 output sending a control signal to the TC-1 which will align the turnout so as to prevent a derailment. Pushbuttons may easily be added to the TC-1 so that manual control is maintained. The TC-1 can be powered from a 12-18 volt AC or DC input. Maximum power will be achieved with an 18 volt AC or unfiltered DC input (see information on Capacitor Discharge Circuits on previous page.) The recycle time is 2?3 seconds. The TC-1 is constructed on a 3? square printed circuit board.