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SKU: MRK60195
Regular price $192.99
Regular price Sale $212.99 Sale price $192.99

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This switched mode power pack is for connecting to and for powering the 60216, 60226, as well as 60214/60215 Central Stations, and the 60174 and 60175 Boosters. The input is 120 volts / 60 Hertz, and the output is 19 volts / 100 watts DC voltage. Weatherproof (IP67) switched mode power pack.
Connections: 4-pin mini DIN high current plug.

The cross section of the wire from the Central Station to the track must be at least 0.5 square millimeters / approximately 0.0008 square inches or 20 gauge!
Recommended only for 1 Gauge and LGB.