Tamiya 1/32 Scale Supermarine Spitfire Mk.VIII

SKU: TAM60320

This is an injection-plastic aircraft model kit.

Tamiya follows up on their spectacular Mk. IX Spit with the Mk. VIII version! This is the first injection-molded Mk. VIII in 1/32 scale. The kit features a ton of new parts to make the Mk. VIII version, and includes features like exchangeable parts to show the tailwheel up or down, different wing and tail parts, new 90-gallon drop tank, and much more, plus decals for USAF, RAAF, and RCAF versions. Also includes all the fantastic features of the previous Mk. IX kit (linked below), such as little magnets in the cowl parts to hold the super-thin panels on, landing gear that can be posed up or down, and fantastic interior and engine detail. A great kit of a great aircraft! Decals are provided for Lt. Bill Skinner's "Lonesome Polecat" of the 308th FS USAAF, Wing Commander "Bobby" Gibbes' "Grey Nurse" of No. 80 wing, RAAF and "AN J" of No. 417 Squadron RCAF.